
She seems to be one of like, 5 people in Congress who is having an appropriate reaction to what is going on right now. (The appropriate reaction being, of course: “WTF is this bullshit?”)

When Donald says that the press reporting bad things about him is “like Nazi Germany”, he appears to be casting himself as Hitler. Hero of the people, slandered by dishonest press and elites? Yep, Donald’s calling himself Hitler now.

I give these dips, and asshats like Anne Coulter and the others of their ilk credit, because they’ve figured out a way to make shit tons of money by doing nothing. Right wingers have loads and loads of these idiots. The left has…none. Except for celebrities. And intellectuals. But there aren’t any far left media

I gotta give these right wing/alt right/whatever they are called at the moment assholes credit, they’ve learned how to game the system. They ask to speak at a college campus. The college administration, concerned about being portrayed a bastions of the left in the right wing media which could affect enrollments agree

They were able to get the day off from working TGIFridays to perform at this? Hmmph.

fake news

Living in a ‘factors leading to’ paragraph is terrifying.

and what about the other kids? how did they process all of this? And why did this child get singled out for this horrific treatment? This story is awful and confusing

Yeah this is all kinds of not making sense.

I can process a lot of human depravity, but that made me gasp out loud. 30 fucking pounds and 12 years old.

White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

Oh, so you have immaculate taste when it comes to who your heart desires? You’ve never fallen for the wrong person, never been charmed by someone’s exterior only to find their true self to be less than appeared?

Oh yes I have no doubt. It was unfortunate that so many made so much about that avoided hug incident, but then again, hug the old lady!

Really? As opposed to an ape? Or an alien? Or a freefloating cloud of intelligent vapor?

Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.

*bing bing bing!* Winner gets a Kewpie doll! He doesn’t even fuck them; it’s all about the degradation & what they’ll do for his money.

That Trump is petty enough to piss on Obamas bed out of spite

Can it happen when he is driving around Pence, McConnell and Ryan?

In a perfect world Alec Baldwin would attend.