
Americans are taught that French people are all thin, smoke like mad, dress fabulously and eat three-hour, butter-filled lunches every day.

Manic Insty Dream Girl.

LOL when you said “blue states” I literally thought of states where there are blues plans.

Having enough food to eat is a rich people problem for much of the world.

California just passed a law prohibiting this. Yay, Golden State.

My ex sometimes still passive-aggressively sends me photos of junk mail, like solicitations from charities, and asks “Are you going to do something about this?” No, I cannot stop the hurricane.

and such as.

I feel like I just got my free higher education.

[leaping off my chair cheering GIF]

You’re probably the only person who would get my sister saying “That’s enough to piss off the Good Humor man.”

True. My sister says “You liberals are so condescending,” and I’m thinking “Well, that’s pretty easy to be when you are against fact-based thinking.”


This is what I loved about Parenthood. The people were all both a mess and fine, just live real people. I hate caricatures, especially those that make adult life look like one long slog through misery, backstabbing and plotting.

Meanwhile, my family’s facebook feed:

Yay for guns

In my experience, rich people love to talk about how “normal” they are. I interviewed one couple who were getting honored by an arts organization. They kept talking about how normal they were - how “We go to Costco just like everyone else!”

The best part is how the interviewer is so repulsed that her body is involuntarily twitching, trying to get her to leap off the bench and run away.

Most white people dreads are fucking disgusting, looks like rat’s nests.

Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?

They fought against doing anything about climate change.