
When I read and posted on FB about Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of a Slave and mentioned how upsetting it was, my family went into an absolute orgy of posting Confederate flags and #AllLivesMatter stuff. I called my sister, sobbing, and she said “Well, you’ll just have to get used to people having other

Are you related? We have the same family, apparently.

I’m a white person who in no way saw Jesse Williams’ comments as anti-white. Anti-racism, yes.

Haha I just overplayed it. Again. I CAN’T STOP.

That’s the name of my new band.

Or I could be joking. You people are never able to tell, are you?

You people are always looking for a loophole, aren’t you?

...”and that women really will be happier and more ethical if they have babies- a gift from god.”


Full Frontal has the same zany fury that permeated the Daily Show, but even better. Samantha Bee is a genius.

It used to be so reliably on point. Now it is totally irrelevant.

I am so sad about it. Whenever anyone posts a link to Daily Show, I’m like yeah, whatever. But a link to Sam Bee? LET ME SEE IT RIGHT NOW SEVERAL TIMES.

When I worked in customer service, my customers would call and I could tell who they were with a single word. They were always amazed.

Me too! This is why I can’t watch animated movies. I can see a fish, but my brain is yelling “DUH! It’s Ellen DeGeneres.” I don’t get why they can’t just hire voice actors instead of celebs. They don’t add much to the movie and for me, they take away.

It seems pretty hopping every time I ride. I wish it would expand weekend service to the outlying areas though.

You do know that ozone is not a place, right?

You do know that ozone is not a place, right?

I know. So perfectly said.

Me too!

Don’t judge my lifestyle.