
Gateway to what? Eating Cheetos and rambling about cars that run on water?

So the Borg self destruct sequence is Control Alt Delete?

Really? The original Jimmy Olsen?

“Nearly 70 percent of the 6 million who benefit from the cost-sharing subsidies are in states that voted for the Republican,”

He’s President of the red part only:

Trump would cut off his own face to spite Obama’s legacy.

Mattis is a keen student of military history, and his study tactic is drawn from a well known Roman general, Fabius, who was also known as Fabius Cunctator (the “Delayer”), for his refusal to engage Hannibal’s armies on the field after one consular army was bagged at Lake Trasimene - and then after his dictatorship

That building was designed for shelter from taxes, not rain.

Now playing

Typical, the right wingnut fails to get the joke.

He is such a fucking national embaressment.

Oh fuck. Now millions of Trumplings will start thinking “Internet Tax” is a thing. Every goddamned day with this man is a fucking nightmare.

Moderates or liberals make an error of fact:  People lose their jobs as the company seeks to correct. Lots of apologies and soul searching.

Hello! Welcome to the Hall of Presidents. We have some of the most tremendous Presidents. Like Reagan, Wilson and Fredrick Douglass. I received more votes than all of them. Combined. Look at my map. I colored it myself, stayed in the lines too! Obama can’t color in the lines. Did you know that these aren’t even real

Right now, he is sitting in a room with his lawyers who are keeping an eye on him. Wait until tomorrow morning when he’s alone in the latrine with a phone and the noxious gasses coming out of his butt and his fingers.

Daily reminder.

Fuck you. Trigger warning next time!