
Ting. Because fuck Verizon.

Tumblr is dead.

Sorry, too late. We’re already fucked. We should have started the move twenty years ago. Instead, we exacerbated the problem. The feedback loop, while it may seem like it is just starting, is already ramping up.

You should just call them out properly by their righteous God-given moniker... “Republicans”.

Pet Store Puppies Are Spreading a Diarrhea-Causing Superbug to Humans

The president doesn’t think we are all morons. The president is a moron. And an extremely gullible moron at that. Any and all conspiracy that are launched in his direction via Faux News, Alex Jones or whomever, he believes. Fuck, if Faux News reported that his testicles had fallen off he would believe them.

Kudos to these workers for not putting up with a bunch of racist bullshit.

Damn straight, fucking goats climb trees!

What, no Gossamer?

I like to think of this as Trump showing America his “O-face”.

So just another typical Trump rally then?

I usually start binging after watching the evening news.

I am definitely going to buy one of these just so we can try to use up the fifty pounds of crayons that we have accumulated since my son started school.

Diet Coke AGAIN!

No, it’s not.

Here’s a thought...

Sorry. The Republicans of today are NOT the same Republicans of yesterday. Remember Nixon? He started the EPA. Teddy Roosevelt? Created National parks, signed the Antiquities Act. All of this is now meaningless. Fiscal Conservancy? Ha! What a fucking joke! There is no longer any meaning to the word ‘Conserve” in

‘Well, maybe you should buy a faster connection. Maybe there’s a problem with your speed.’

Now playing

Pretty sure from now on it’s going to be this...