This if you haven’t seen it already.
This if you haven’t seen it already.
Unbelievable. Had this hanging around in my “Saved for Later” list for ages and then just cleared it out yesterday. Not 12 hours later it goes on sale. Now, at last, I have a decent speaker for my Dot.
Unbelievable. Had this hanging around in my “Saved for Later” list for ages and then just cleared it out yesterday.…
Actually “tremendous” almost sounds too much like a compliment so I’ll rescind that word and just stick with “cunt”.
So, absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Ann Coulter is a tremendous cunt?
I’ve dreamed of this truck for 40 years and I don’t even drive a big rig.
I was expecting the backside of the castle to be hollow, however my mind totally blown when he spun it around.
We can all be thankful that never materialized or Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa would all be living in your basement.
All this because somebody forgot to put the seat down. j/k
Why don’t you call it what it is? “CBSN presents a “National Embarrassment” Live at 9 PM Eastern”.
This post brought me to to the edge of the void. Thank the gods you were there to pull me back..
What the fuck kind of “survival” tool has no corkscrew?
A friend of my wife was in the checkout line at the supermarket with her two year old daughter. The little girl, as all two year olds do, was constantly repeating “Mommy can I have this?” “Mommy can I have that?” As the clerk was ringing up her order she noticed and old friend in line at the register next to her and…
Best Piñata, ever.
“On the morning of January 6th, 2015, or sometime in the evening before, North Korea detonated what it said was a hydrogen bomb...”
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