
It’ll help you protect your rights. When the gummint comes to take away your rights, they’ll see your gun, realize their vastly superior numbers and armament are no match, and back down.

Came looking for this.

Has 45 ever mentioned liking any music? Hell, any art at all? He’s so culturally bereft, so incurious, so dull it beggars belief.

DNC - we believe in nationalizing everything, inventing then capitalizing upon grievences that don’t exist and inclusion...unless you’re Bernie Sanders and people want to vote for you.

The lack of respect shown to Marvin makes me very angry, very angry indeed.

If this blog will not recognize Gossamer, I will not recognize this blog. Good day.

Pruitt was full on tongue kissing 45's b-hole.  There’s no way he DOESN’T get a pardon.  He’s probably already got one written up, that just says, “I pardon Scott Pruitt for everything, bigly.” followed by that cardiogram of a rabbit having a heart attack that he calls a signature.

No shoes, no shirt no fascists...

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.

You didn’t explicitly mention it but it should be pointed out:

Another case of Asimov’s Cult of Ignorance - “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Cholula FTW

In somewhat related news, the Senate voted on Wednesday to overturn a CFPB guidance issued during the Obama administration that barred auto lenders from charging black and Latino customers higher fees for car loans.

Put the flight attendant in the overhead bin.

I’ll give him a pass on the first two, but “I hear you,” FFS.

With any luck, he’ll be moving to a different part of the park before too long.

um? This dude is a douche. No question. I’d punch him in the face until my knuckles were bleeding, broken and unable to punch anymore. But if Wu Tang wanted to do something cute for publicity, they could have given it to charity to sell at a later date. Win, win. They get publicity and a charity gets $$$$$. But they