
He is on his way there now.

When Mother Nature sweeps her pandemic scythe across the fields of the human race, the remnants of the other species of this world will stand and cheer our demise.

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

I love how the CPP is looked at as “job killing” for the coal industry but not “job creating” for alternative energy.

What you do is cover the skulls with enough brush to hide them, so as that burns down, the skulls are slowly revealed. THAT’s how you convince someone that you’re a serial killer who’s professing their guilt to their next victim. Maybe throw in some chicken bones or spare ribs to make it more convincing, not many

If they weren’t $65 they’d be fun to leave in with the remnants of a campfire at a KOA.

However, under the proposed budget, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s entire $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program would be eliminated, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

You’re outlining exactly the difference between the ozone hole and global warming.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

It’s a science and tech blog. Greenhouse gas emissions span both, but even if they didn’t, the technologies used to create renewable resources certainly do—and no one disputes that *eventually* we’ll need to come up with something to replace fossil fuels.

So why wouldn’t I want to read about bleeding edge tech in this

Humble’s Freedom Bundle is pretty good deal. $30 for Stardew Valley, Day of the Tentacle, The Witness ,Super Meat Boy, and a bunch of shovelware.

Humble’s Freedom Bundle is pretty good deal. $30 for Stardew Valley, Day of the Tentacle, The Witness ,Super Meat

I laughed and threw up a little when I read “8 years.” Please God don’t make us put up with 8 years of this fool. 3 weeks have nearly killed me.

The Jackson 5. BOOM!

This right here. This and ACLU lawyers rushing in to defend the civil rights of people unjustly detained in airports. The protesters spilling into the streets. The indefatigable dedication to inclusivity, kindness, and standing up for the vulnerable, the marginalized, the voiceless...

I think you mean Sean Sphincter?

“Finally!” –Rick Santorum

How demoralizing. Someone should tell him.