
Fuzzy Mammoloid?

How is it that this man-baby does not drink? I mean, I’ve made a few bad decisions in my life but usually, an inordinate amount of alcohol was involved. How does he do this every single fucking day?

Why do you think Jared is always by his side?


“and when the seas are made to boil”

That was a real nail-biter right to the end. For a moment I didn’t think Biisuke was going to make it!

EVERYONE should retweet this back.

Hope those doors are watertight. Looks like the entrance is only a few feet above sea-level, for now...

What the collective fuck is happening to America?

Really, would it be so hard to build an iron grating around these things so that humans, even stupid ones, would not fit through?

There’s only one name for this facility IMHO.

What has happened to this country? Remember way back in the last century when scientists were revered?

Yup, bought one for my wife for Christmas. $188 after Red Card discount. The only catch is that it’s a Series 1, but for the price, you can’t beat it.

Yup, bought one for my wife for Christmas. $188 after Red Card discount. The only catch is that it’s a Series 1, but

I think the term “Suckers” is vastly more appropriate.

I just can’t do this...

I hate myself for having to star this post.

My 12 year old son came home with this book from the school library on Monday afternoon.

According to AP... BREAKING: Trump administration mandating EPA scientific studies, data undergo review by political staff before public release.

“Finally!” –Ted Cruz

Better yet, someone should ask Sean Spicer about it at the next press conference.