
Pfftt. Donald Trump does three of these every morning before breakfast. Has for years.

No, no, no. Ted Cruz.

Unless it’s nuclear or fossil fuels of course, both of which are also subsidized by taxpayer dollars.

I thought this was just a good old fashioned bit of snark but then I went and googled it...

Finally! A scientific explanation.

Really? Mine too, and I never had any trouble with it before. It’s not by chance an MX performance mouse, is it? Just wondering if the latest windows update may have screwed with it.

Really? Mine too, and I never had any trouble with it before. It’s not by chance an MX performance mouse, is it?

It’s fucking Texas.

Bring it motherfuckers. We are ready.


NOT a “Press Conference” it’s a “News Conference”. The party of Trump was very clear in making sure that was understood.

Now playing

First thought in my head after reading this. How I would love to see this reenacted once more on live TV. It’s just so damn satisfying.

...and don’t forget Nixon created the EPA.

Holy shit. I can’t believe I’m reading this just a few ticks below news about Carrie Fisher.

I’ll wait.

No, send in The Donald!

You know what I want for Christmas?

It’s all part of the master plan....