
I hope that thing comes with a big box of Depends, because that would be the only way you would get me on it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with it...

What the fuck kind of “survival” tool has no corkscrew?

What if he coated himself in river mud?

Why is this person making pots with their penis?

Here’s one I made last year. It was delicious.

Oh sure. Then I guess I’ll just wait for the new fangled Francium batteries to come out to get my Boom-Boom on.

Think exploding hoverboards are fun now? Just wait until you have one with a sodium battery out in the rain.

Hey Oregon militia! Here comes the big one, better lube up!

Still waiting for the day Curiosity finds Martian coal.

A friend of my wife was in the checkout line at the supermarket with her two year old daughter. The little girl, as all two year olds do, was constantly repeating “Mommy can I have this?” “Mommy can I have that?” As the clerk was ringing up her order she noticed and old friend in line at the register next to her and

Was thinking the same. I’m guessing it’s stealthy because they think it’s about the same size as a large bird?

So of course Kim K Barbie is in, but where’s ripped hardbody Barbie?

This. I felt exactly this.

Probably damaged in shipping. Should have taken the insurance.

Well, good old Chris Christie is heading back to NJ. He’d better hope and pray that he doesn’t have need to go beg for emergency funding from the “petulant child” again.

Well, that is pretty much what many of the GOP have signaled they plan to do by vowing to shutter the EPA.

Please note that the skeg may be significantly shorter in the northeast than in more tropical latitudes.

I think you are thinking of Congressman Joe Barton of Texas...