
Dear SpaceX,

I’ll see your

Still not getting it, huh?

You do realize that the 1800s and the nineteenth century are the same thing, right?

It was indeed truly fortunate for the workers that there happened to be a young child nearby that suggested they deflate the tires or they never would have got that truck unstuck.

Best Piñata, ever.

“On the morning of January 6th, 2015, or sometime in the evening before, North Korea detonated what it said was a hydrogen bomb...”

I’m guessing it’s a safe bet that you don’t have a dog then, amiright?

I’m guessing it’s a safe bet that you don’t have a dog then, amiright?

I installed one of these in my miserable lazy-susan corner cabinet. Best thing I ever did in my kitchen. Before that cabinet was just a giant catch-all.

I installed one of these in my miserable lazy-susan corner cabinet. Best thing I ever did in my kitchen. Before that

Here’s a regular expression for you...

Here’s a thought. Legalize all drugs (yes, all drugs) and then sentence users to rehabilitation instead of prison and let’s see what happens...

Fine. Let’s start with prison planet dot com and anything else Alex Asshole Jones related.

Oh, now try to be nice. George just can’t help it.

How about Yahoo’s constant and blatant attempts to hijack your browser?

Looks like a life size neural network.

That was a fantastic visual depiction of what most of us just can’t seem to wrap our heads around. Here’s hoping that they are able to someday complete a model that represents the entire planets oceans systems.

This is exactly what came to mind after reading this article.

Does ATV4 have a browser?

Okay fine. First up for bids, The Statue of Liberty.