
Oh man! Who farted?

@ThaMofo: Actually I agree with sqlrob.

No, no, no. It must be Häagen-Dazs.

Oh Courier, how I long for thee.

So where are the Tenga cups?

"Klingon Death Ray"...Now also effective for finding pet "accidents".

@Igor Neumann: So that's how crop circles are made so fast!

We've switch to color switching LCD packs. No flames to worry about going out and the lid of the pumpkin doesn't shrivel anymore. #diy

Convenient? Sure, go ahead, pee in that pool.

Sorry, but someone had to post it...

Funny, in the video this car has absolutely gi-normous A-pillars and in this image they seem to have miraculously disappeared.

Just what we need, a car with no fucking right turn signal.

Check out the minifig on the receiving end of that bat. Do I see the name Ripley on her shirt? Might this mean there are chest busting minifigs available?

Why is it that Chrome lacks all of the neat features of the good ol' Google toolbar?

But watch where the money will come from for this "green" yacht project. My bet is on Abu Dhabi.

They have been dabbling with this type of tech for cargo ships for years. Now with fuel prices through the roof watch how much faster these sails come to fruition. The shipping industry would do well to finance this guy 100%.