
I bought it day 1 with very high expectations and really am enjoying it. Played some MP last night and it's really easy to set up matches with friends, which has been an issue with some other portable games in my experience. It truly does feel like a console game. The touch mechanisms don't bother me at all,

IMO swiss or provolone is the best combo. Take an individual slice, add a spoonful of PB to the middle and twist that doobie up!

In Minnesota they call it a Juicy Luicy and it is amazing (from Matt's or the 5/8th's Club). The trick is steam cooking it, hot stove plate, cook each patty individually, then toss the two together with desired cheese in the middle and use a roundish metal bowl to cover. The cheese will melt in seconds. Patties

To the meat guy, my peanut butter brother - I get looks of disgust when I put some PB between a slice of swiss or provolone from the wifey, thanks for having my back, that shit is delicious. I gave up eating red meat in the house, only eating a high quality steak here and there at nice restaurants. We just focus on

The other day I ended up behind a Seminole County sheriff in an Explorer who had just pulled out of chic-fil-a drive thru. He got right on I4 and proceeded to weave in and out of his lane about 5 times, presumably eating his chicken and dipping his fries in some ketchup. I had my wife start to record when all of a

I bet this is the same or worse if you compare it to the housing market. This younger generation is less and less likely to ever own a home but instead dump money into rent, especially the urban dwellers. Cars depreciate, no matter what generation is buying them or when, owning a home is an investment that typically

Have both a ps3 and 360 and sided with getting the ps4 even before the MS announcement due to only seeing the need for one new hardware unit this year and PS exclusives but always knowing I'd get the XO 1-2 years down the road. Having said that, I honestly wish they stuck with their guns and rolled out the XO as they

The whole building 7 thing is the only part I gave a second look into as it 'looks' like a demolition. However, when massive skyscrapers fall to the ground right across the street, there really isn't a blueprint for what happens next, even if you're a physicist or engineer. Truthers need to stay in their moms

I have kids, they have their controller, I have mine. I clean theirs with disinfecting wipes then immediately wipe the residue away with a damp towel. Gotta get the germs not just the dirt.

I think they added 1gig internal memory to the new version. I'm set with my original too.

One of my favorite NES games for sure, I'd want it on console though, not funding it for PC only.

I played the first board last night in campaign, it's a solid entry in the series and truly feels like a console game.

All I can think of is, denim sport coat?

Thing is these top tier guys probably spend that on a weekend anyway, so it's not really decreasing the chances of them doing it again. Dude needs to miss actual games for this crap.

I chose to pre-order the PS4 over the XO because I preferred PS's exclusives and overall direction for gamers based on the last 3 years. I'm also a happy Wii U owner since day one because I just have to have to my Nintendo IP. Power is nice, but irrelevant, it's all about the software IMO.

I prefer to read the quote as "When he walked in the whole bar GOT the clap"

Really don't get the street racing scene, must me a maturity thing, but even 8 years ago when I bought my 350z as a 24 year old I never abused the roads. Maybe that's how you end up with $79 per month insurance on a 2 door sportster. Now in my Focus ST my goal is to get as close to 30 mpg as possible and just enjoy

The torque steer isn't too too bad, I drove one before buying the Focus ST. They were flexible on the speed3, but not that much AND I had just bought my wife a car their brand new last year. Think I had them to 28k out the door for the show room model loaded with everything including window tint. Couldn't get over

Same, so I bought the Focus St over the MSP3. The Mazda's interior is also dated (from 08) and has a lot of racer boy red weird material all over the seats and doors. The ST offers a nice interior with updated electronic goodies throughout the whole car. Also, it was the cheapest and got by far the best MPG.

I went to WVU with plenty of people from MD and VA and knew several skins fan's. They are the worst and can never take jokes, without even reading comments I guarantee there are more defensive comments in here than all the other "this team sucks" comments combined. One kid I knew who was from VA originally was a