
Exactly! Ugh I was so ticked when Ford brought the C-Max over here to just make a yuppy hybrid 5 seater out of it. The sliding doors with kids and garage/parking lot use is amazing.

Very true, I don't even know of many cars on our roads with displacement that small, most are probably 1.6's with at least 100 horses. My first car as a 17 year old was an 89 2x4 Toyota Pickup (in 1998) and it had a 2.4 liter. I still regret not having it has a beater

Totally, that's what I thought too but figured it would increase the price by a few thousands dollars where people here just get suckered into the small SUV market, so they kept it at the 20k mark to differentiate. Wife begged me for the Cx-5, sure let's spend 25% for 25% less car lol. Still dumbfounded by the

Nope. Si doesn't offer the versatility of the hatch back, see cubic feet comparison. Also, 52 less horses and 70 pounds less torque. CRV starts at 25k and most all on the lot are close to 30k optioned. It is also a 5 seater, but with 2 kids car seats, really a 4 seater. I routinely get 6 people in the Mazda 5,

800 pounds is roughly $1,200 USD, I think? If so that is actually pretty cheap. Very few 18 year old's in the US will have auto insurance for $100 a month. I'm 32 with no accidents, a home owner and have kids and my insurance still runs me $100 a month for full collision and liability.

He seemed genuinely sorry about it and, while smiling like a buffoon, at least takes his wife's sweater to offer up as a towel. Also, god bless high definition, you see droplets from the beer splash on that ginger, unlike the Pizza Guy throw where you have to see it from different angles and slow motion to even see

It's nice, but basic. I'm 6"4 and it is pushing it, you'd only be comfortable in the drivers seat at 2 more inches. For a small family on a budget, I have no regrets. I talked the Sport trim with automatic to $20,100 out the door and we've been getting around 26 mpg combined driving, so tough to beat those numbers

Neutral: in the last year we went from a 2 Honda family to a Ford/Mazda combo. Lease ended on the 2010 Civic and I sold my 06 Accord right at the 100k mark. Wife needed something bigger for the kids, yet economical, hello Mazda5. I wanted something faster, yet practical for kids, hello Focus ST. Honda has nothing

Meh, got mine fully paid for just waiting for the 15th. I buy nearly all Nintendo IP and have gotten 7 3rd party games on Wii U already, ain't my fault.

Married, we try to do it weekly but it probably averages out to once every 10-14 days. I questioned her this weekend when she stripped the bed and she reminded me how often I get it (4-5 times a week) for which I just nodded and said I'll help re-make the bed when she's done.

Love all the comments from aggressive drivers: "it's safer than such and such" and "but I'm always paying attention." Hey, dummies, that's why they're called ACCIDENTS, because you cannot plan for them, if you're going 40 over the limit your reaction time as well as stopping distance is drastically affected, hence it


The most common myth I hear from idiots around me regarding diesels is, "but it costs so much more per gallon." Really, really!! It's like 5-10% less than premium. Argh, this is why we can't have nice things.

1. Chrysler

Agreed. If Mazda brought over their 2.2 diesel (rumored for the 6 this year) it could do well. Now I just want the 6 wagon with diesel and a manual that people in Europe are loving. Just looking at pics of it 2 months ago gave me the new car bug so bad I went out and bought a 2013 Focus ST.

1.33 on the skid, that's a lotta G, yo. The stripe on the hood is awful, the rest I don't mind. This is quickly becoming my dream car.

Really....better than Clooney?

I beg to differ and doubt he watched the porn, it probably turned him off actually. Guys like this, the sexting thing, it's all a matter of control that gets him off. Just being able to hit play on a video does nothing for this guys horniness.

Saw him play the Twins when he was still a Mariner and besides pitching he won the game all by himself, truly a remarkable athlete. Wish his whole career was here in the states.

Exactly. I do the same with my kid only on the shoulders and upright. What are we supposed to do, either let him loose so he can touch or mouth everything in there or get nabbed while my backs turned for 2.3 seconds.