
Solid list and agreed on the week off. I took 5 days for my first and scheduled 5 for my second, but was best man at a wedding at the tail end of that and got the flu so needed 2 more for myself to sleep for 48 hours - my boss and wife were really not into that extra 2 days let me tell you.

That's me this October, #3 to join 5 year and 2 year old boys. I'm fucked. The second she stopped breast feeding I knocked her up, whoops.

Neutral: Fiesta, all day long. Assuming China-me makes slightly above average like US-me, I'm in the ST. I have a Focus ST - and cannot wait to track the Fiesta ST at the ST academy.

I don't think there is a comparison for them and my comment is an opinion. I saw Bouncing Souls in basements in the 90's to Wu-Tang/Rage at Menlo Park. I've seen the Roots at House of Blues and in Philly so while I'm not the type who consistently goes to concerts or ever feels like I miss them - I no doubt have

Damn I love me some White Sox. This Abreu kid is the real deal and this team very well could make some noise in their division.

I'm really not a concert guy, but if you're a fan of music - you have to see The Roots live one day. The solo's and diversity they bring, especially when performing in their home town of Philadelphia, are the best out there. The new stuff is consistent and solid but not like it used to be.

Also stop pulling off to the shoulder on highways to answer the phone, then merging back on like it's an on ramp during rush hour. That's for emergencies, like a flat tire - not to talk to your boss or spank your kid.

My running joke was xbox didn't like the cut of my jib and tapped out. Nah I maybe used the thing for an hour and only touched it to set-up.

psh couch burning, that's so 1990's.

It was actually an extra $150, mine broke on day 5 and that's what they held on my CC til I returned the defective one.

They charge $150 for replacement Kinnects for X1, mine broke on day 5 for no reason. I'd love to see a kinnect-less bundle to get others into the system for less money, but it doesn't make sense. They've back pedaled enough, taking out the kinnect means developers would never have to use it, so we'd never see the

Bask in the glory of another Championship but you have literally no idea what you're talking about regarding quality of education at other institutions.

Damn, now I kinda like this kid....

Exactly why I want a dash cam, I live in FL and that encounter is right around the corner.

Bought the wife a black Mazda5 Sport before kid #2 - $21k out the door brand new, 26mpg and not bad to drive, seriously.

Don't care if it's a lame car you never mess with anothers' ride. What kind of damage does this do? I'd imagine it could be quite costly considering dents or if they dropped it down damage to suspension or cracking plastic from the force.

Ugh my work rig is till XP and I'm in America - did get the email for the upgrade from Personal Support but I'm low on that list, it will not be happening by tomorrow. Whatever, just need internet and MO to be effective.

Logically it should be looked at that way, but whether they went 28-6, 0-34 or 34-0 Boeheim makes the same based on his contract. Guys like that look forward and protect their own neck, they don't know how to look back and digress, it's not in their DNA as assholes.

Not playing by the rules, but I had the best of both worlds in 2009 when my 1st son was born. I still had my 2003 350Z I had bought single and paid off before marriage, win. I bought a used 2002 Pathfinder for my baby duties and leased the wife-ski a brand new civic for $240 a month. 3 cars, low payment and they

I'd imagine these search firms are like the pro sports level of an AppleOne or Robert Half, where I got my start as a recruiter. Most of us did background checks on our place-able candidates, but not all, especially when times are good and you're placing people left and right. I charged up to 25% of first year