
Good list, especially the piece on distractions. These little F-ers are so hell bent on control you HAVE to give them options where you're really just making them do what you want but in their terms. Also, substitute weed for booze in #5, everyone knows an angry drunk, ever met an angry stoner? No. That will also

I like your ideas on pricing and releasing as compared to phones, but it's just too stark a contrast to compare for this day and age. EVERYONE has cells now, hardcore gaming is still a small percent of the overall population. A smartphone bill is $100 a month vs $15 a month at most for xlive. Based on your point

While I was definitely going to get this next week, I'm a bit relieved as I'd much rather focus all my game time on The Last of Us.

You ever ride in a full limo like that? If you're in the middle it's waiting for others and yourself to awkwardly 'ass-slide' down to the door to get out. There's no room to get up and walk and still only 2 exits like all other cars. Add in the fact that there was panic and fire, and it's easy to see why only half

Today my kid turned 4, also have a 1 year old. Think it's time to head home a little early today after this read.

My only beef was too much pressure was placed on the part where the chord ended and the magnet started, after just over 3 years on my 08 Macbook it frayed so hard I had to go drop the $80 on a new one. The replacement, and all new versions are designed with better reinforcement at that point and a sleeker look.

Wait, we're not supposed to be mailing each other weed?

Everyone hated 3ds and it's games in year one of launch, now it's the console of 2013. Wii U will follow a similar trend into 2014.

A lot of places have done buy the deluxe get a $50 gift card, mostly Target or Best Buy. Don't open the ZombiU or Nintendoland and flip it new, then used the $50 to buy a game you want.

Tweeting "at the Heat game, pretty sure Andruw Jones' boy just got ejected."

I like the idea, and for $7 you really can't complain - but touch controls are a joke. Not that I'd ever expect it to come to either of my handhelds, that's how I'd prefer to play a game like this.

Good lord, I'm a large American living in Florida so I understand getting the sweaties, but dress appropriately. Black dryfit colored shirt, at least hides the appearance of being a filthy animal.

Slowly phasing out these kids shows in favor of blu rays and video games. 4 year old beasts the Nintendo 3ds (3d off) with games like mario kart and donkey kong. Already got him hooked on ps3 and games like toy story and cars 2, they adapt to his skill level and auto adjust difficulty. I'm a gamer since NES so we

Solid and timely article as I wondered why I don't get as into achievements as some after getting some new ones in PS All Star Royale last night. I definitely like the reinforcement of the pop up based on the move I did, or button mashing to get there. Even better are the names, but that's where I draw the line. I

I feel ya. I rarely buy used games, maybe only 2 or 3 this generation because it came with a promo that got me much more for the games I was selling. My pleasure is getting value for my gently used games so I can get on other titles I otherwise wouldn't be able to afford. I'm cool with the licensing thing, assuming

Good ole Sanford, gotta be here for the seminole county schools and decent house prices. I'd much rather be in Winter Park area.

Says who, Nintendo, xbox or pc fan boy? LOL They all have gimmicks, it's about software this go around.

Compared to densely populated areas, like say NY or NJ, FL is spread out and you travel further, on average, than most places to get where you want to go. I go from Sanford to Mall of Millenia or the outlets all the time, that's about 60 miles round trip. It may make more sense to put it on the Best Buy on 50, in

If you have a lego store in your area they sell individual pieces like this, that would be much cheaper than going to ebay. I'm in my early 30's and my now 4 year old is getting into Lego big time, we probably have these pieces but not all in black, maybe in a few years we'll give it a whirl, to young now, we'll

It's not a 'fail' when they open 89 more spots than what was expected over just seeing them at e3. Even if you went to e3, and spent thousands in air fare, hotel and accommodations, you'd wait in line for 10 plus hours to demo. I live in CFL, you have to drive at least 20 miles to go anywhere, each way. Orlando to