
I'm currently holding my boys Bio Shock Infinite while he has my Far Cry 3, then we're swapping Ascension for Tom Raider. It happens a lot more than MS must think, here's to hoping Sony doesn't do the same. I know my investment in Wii U looks A LOT better right now too.

THIS!!! While it's not always on, technically, it's still requiring the connection to internet to even start a game. It's pure greed.

Has Gamestop made a statement on this yet? Do developers get any of this revenue? I saw the point for them, that they were hurt by used game sales, but this just sounds like MS trying to obtain the used game revenue themselves.

Are they the ones who make every single Target store wreak of nasty popcorn? You NEVER see anyone eating the stuff in there.

Good tips, I followed a similar structure for my best man speech a few months ago. It was in front of 200 people, I didn't use notes but emailed it to myself on the iPhone and read off that, which is MUCH worse I assume..?

who dumps with their shorts/boxers that high up on their legs unless they want to hide their junk, viral intended for sure. they should just make an amateur tube flick instead, will get a lot more hits.

Link to buy the shirt? Sorry bro.

Odd, no. Awesome, yes.

No way the JW's pay that much just to rent out that place for a few weekends over a summer. They do it all around the country every single year, those numbers don't make sense whatsoever, nor do they use the scoreboards while in the facilities. hell, they leave the places cleaner they when they got there.

One of the Settings under profile specifically is for Twitter settings, I didn't even know I had them linked or intended to until I read this, then went and looked them all over. Weird. Also weird, someone I work with just put in her 2 weeks after accepting a position with LinkedIn in chicago.

I imagine it's a combo of nerding out on the licensed characters and the nostalgia that Lego brings.

Men just shouldn't wear sandals of any sort, known as 'mandals'. My problem with these things is the flesh tone color. The link one reader put for a grey pair is 100x less ugly than these 'mariotti's'.

Meh, he should be able to two fist both bottles and the kid. I ate a massive burger this weekend requiring two hands, in a crowded restaurant with my 7 month old asleep in my arms, step yo daddy game up Cutler!

Really, you need access to 25 year old games to buy Nintendo's newest hardware? Doesn't make sense to me, it has plenty to offer game-wise IMO, especially considering all hardcore gamers own multiple systems. The amount of games available should be the last of our complaints, it's actually the opposite, good games

While I remain employed I have started a family and now have two boys with private tuition, it's like cutting my salary in half, thus expendable income is hard to come by. I don't go out and save all extra funds for my hobby, gaming, which can come in the evening when the boys are out. I now rent a game on redbox to

I thought that's how these things worked a majority of the time, sort of like when someone passes their medical boards and becomes a doctor, old girl out, new one in.

Good list, my only change would have been to swap out one of the download games and Nintendoland for Darksiders 2 and Need for Speed.

Link to the past is probably my overall #1 game ever. I've beaten it at least 6 times, one time during a summer of teen nerdom where I did it in less than 24 hours.

My oldest is 4 now and the Wii U is critical to us doing our own thing game wise and me not only playing kids games. He'll play LBP Karting, Toy Story or Cars on the Ps3 while I play off screen on Wii u, or vice versa.

So glad my kid hasn't cared about this one, it's awful, like a kids glee - too much singy singy. Peppa Pig, Yo Gabba Gabba and Team Umi Zumi - they're the tolerable ones.