Countering this counterpoint: Who the fuck watches Empire?
Countering this counterpoint: Who the fuck watches Empire?
walk it off tender touch, it was just a joke
sorry we cant release the episode yet we need to polish it up for a few more months
Furthermore, there are ten letters in the name Chip Kelly. Ku Klax Klan? Also 10!
We should probably be looking at what black people should be doing to make Chip less racist.
Congrats, you're an abusive parent. Showing your kid not to be violent by being violent? Excellent strategy. That poor baby boy, why do you think he hits, when you show him that hitting is appropriate? And shaking? How old is he? I've seen one too many kids with fucked up vision from being shaken. But I don't think…
portly Bulls fan
The most amazing thing about this Lancaster mascot fight is that the actual students don't seem to care one way or the other. The entire fight is being waged by middle-aged alumni who never left town. It's sort of sad watching then vigorously defending their decades-old high school nostalgia.
only carefully placed thermite charges could have broken a man's ribs in the manner seen here
Drew Magary: [walks the fuck right into the side of that car because some asshole won't get out of his way]
So, here's where I disagree and I'm glad you picked out two examples where we do the opposite. This is an issue I care deeply about, having lost someone I loved dearly to a street race (she was innocently driving home from work and was struck by a teenager street racing). I make sure all of our coverage focuses on the…
Rex Ryan is going to be a Buffalo legend by Week 6.
I hate to be that guy, but if you read the ESPN comment section, you were asking for it.
Never, ever read the comments on ESPN articles. It's bad for your mental health.
Suspended, reinstated, and finally dismissed in the span of five days? That's decent, but still two days shy of the record.
And probably shouldn't play up the Chris Brown connection seeing as the rest of the YMCMB headliners have associated with him quite regularly.
If you want me to hate the guy, you probably should omit the part about him calling Drake fake and saying they don't get along.
- Has done porn.
yeah, Kotaku authors must be really skittish people. Their examples of terrifying and of "nightmare fuel" tend to refer to rather innocuous, though somewhat strange things