Big Daddy Handsome

Wieland and/or Eflin are probably going to become Hamels or finish up the Rollins trade. If there's nothing positive you've seen out of Grandal you're not looking at the numbers. It's that simple, man. Right off the bat if you compare Grandal to Kemp straight up, Grandal likely adds more wins to the Dodgers than Kemp

I guess I shouldn't say "you really have no clue." That's rude, sorry. I should say - damn, Padres fans (apparently?) have no clue. Anyone who thinks the Dodgers didn't come out just as well as the Padres on this trade is a fool.

Damn, you really have no clue. Weird.

Wait... does that mean... if Steve Nash gives back the MVP (s?) he stole from Kobe, his back will stop exploding?!

Red Dead Redemption. Please. PLEASE

picture of the capital building really does it for me

i definitely think they'll be good within a season or two, but i think it'll be a little longer until they're actually in the finals.

true, by then he'll probably be the best sports-blog-food-writer in the land

QQ bby

i definitely wouldn't mind losing some fairweathered fans/bandwagoners in the meantime.

it's going to be really sad for you when they're back in the finals by 2019. i'm sorry little buddy.

it's almost like, dare i say, having at least one guy (other than kobe) who can make his own shot is beneficial to them! gee, whoda thought?!

doesn't even make sense, get your head in the game


these rankings are awful

i'm dumb.

"Why not just start everyone at max level?"

Regardless, it's hilarious how you constantly get mad and resort to namecalling. Keep it up!

3AM isn't for North America, just for eastern North America, right?

That's a pretty spicy take, Steve, but maybe you could use a few more personal attacks on Rose's intelligence?