
Do you really think Deaspin writers are good at their profession?

No Hulk Hogan lawsuits up in here! Only bears, baseball, and balls

Is there REALLY a difference?

Because we should all be held to things we said in ads 23 years ago. That’s why I still believe Michael Jordan eats Big Mac’s before an athletic competition.

Alex Ofetchkin

HAHA. I said “PuppEEES,” with the extra intonation, out-loud at my desk and my secretary gave me the stank eye. +1

Bark Messier

It was a postponed game. So there were probably tons of people who took monday off only to have the game cancelled, and couldn’t make it to Tuesday. Plus, with the wind chill it was in the 20's.

I am not a yankee fan but it was about 40 degrees yesterday and inside those stadiums it feels about 15 degrees colder

I’m generally on board the Fuck The Yankees bandwagon, but they have the right of it here. This call shouldn’t have been in question and I hope MLB brass clarifies the issue.

We don’t really have any recent information stating these guys in any way suck though.

This is the right decision. Of course her testimony is relevant to their case. In my opinion, she’s lucky they are sealing the deposition. I have yet to see any facts which suggest she was, in fact, a victim of anything. That being said, it’s always good to be cautious and I applaud the judge for finding a nice

The frats desreve all the money. What she did to them was horrible.

While this isn’t for me, the less-snarky aspect is that it is encouraging community in a society that is ever-more less-communal. As a young adult after college I moved to the other side of the country, lived alone, and had no community. This is one positive side of housing like this.

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

That’s my plan, lil bud

Hellooooo...It’s called a ‘Rat Trick’. This going to be a long day.

Missed a 2? You’re thinking of Nick Young.

I bet Nick Young stops passing the ball now...

This piece shows a staggering amount of self-delusion regarding the political economy of the media.