
I love how fans are chanting “USA!” as a Venezuelan punches and glove slaps a Dominican.

I would never call a team that employs Prince Fielder “gutless.”

as a Temple alum, owl allow it.

If your horse hates puns, it can’t be that high.

he is appealing.

This is the kind of shit that makes people think 9/11 was a hoax.

I’m recovering from surgery. I am not yet able to get out and see the movie. So imagine my disappointment in seeing the title, knowing the comic history of the Civil War storyline and eager to see if the movie follows a similar path. That is what has been taken away, only 3 days after the movie has come out. That is

So you pissed a bunch of people off AND made less money?

Listen. I like The Concourse. It does some great things with film culture commentary. This article is not one of those things. If you guys want to troll, go play LoL.

The way that you are defending it makes it crystal clear that the article’s title was a deliberate attempt to drive page views by people upset about the embedded spoiler.

Samer, maybe you should grow up and learn from your co-workers at io9 and Kotaku. They avoid crap like this.

I follow this site daily so fuck off—spoilers are bullshit and you assholes knew what you were doing with the headline. So of course people object and what do you do? Double-down on the assholery, ‘natch. Fuck you, douche canoe.

“Grow up” – spoken like a true manbaby

Grow up, working for Gawker doesn’t automatically make you in the right.

Hey, maybe if I wasn’t normally such a fan of the site that I follow it on Twitter and Facebook so that the spoiler title had an extra two chances to do its work, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. No reason to be a dick about it, particularly when the article doesn’t exist for any reason other than to be a spoiler.

Hey, thanks for the fucking spoiler right in the title.

When does a deadspin writer kick the bucket? would really be a plot twist IMO.

Nah, it’s a legit point. Do you want a QB who will probably alienate the locker room? Do you want the OL thinking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ when the blitz comes? Do you want a stage dad who might undermine the offensive coordinator? Not to get realpolitik but for an NFL team. this stuff is more relevant if a dude schmaybe murdered

The consensus seems to be that Connor is also a shithead.
