
As if babies have never existed without strollers. Also, having kids is not special. Almost everyone does it. Human babies are neither rare nor unique.

Bring the kids, just fold the fucking stroller.

e) eventually be hit by a car.

What exactly is the purpose of the “Adequate Man” vertical? This is an entire article built around a one sentence block quote in the NYT that basically says “yeah man, subways are crowded sometimes.” WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MEN?

My pet peeve is women who bring strollers onto a crowded rush hour train. Please stop doing this.

Katie Nolan is a national treasure.

The Caps don’t lose a series unless it is the seventh game

Caps collapse, followed by another Nats post All-Star break meltdown, then a slide right into the Skins yearly failure, only to have it all wrapped up with the Trump inauguration in January.

I know how he feels. Smoking pot is likely what has kept me from getting drafted the past 5 years

Jose Fernandez continues to be one of the most delightful baseball players in the game right now.

I figure Saldana was cast as Gamora because she’s slim with a great, fit build and manages to be very athletic while keeping her seductive smoulder. And then they painted her green because Gamora IS green.

It's not surprising that a guy who has two glaring typos in fewer than 200 words can empathize with the fired reporter.

“Wow, look at that coast.”

When I look back on this comment it will be exactly as moronic as it appears right now.

eat shit.

This author’s continued insistence that Conor McGregor has the leverage demonstrates the problem with modern journalism.

Naw’s the equivalent of your mom forcing you to go to practice after you begged her to sign you up for a football league..

Honestly, I struggle to understand this defense of him, and I realize I’ll likely be in the minority here. First of all:

I hope Dana keeps him on 200, because it’ll take away his excuses for after Diaz wins again. Putting that loss on “errors in weight and cardio prep,” and trying to spin Nate taking the fight on 11 days’ notice as some kind of a benefit because he didn’t have to promote the fight? Mmmkay.

Thanks, but I’ll continue to call him Papsmear.