
You’re etymologically correct, of course. But i fear you’ll discover with a little reflection upon the jungle that is the English language that you’d be limited to IKEA furniture assembly instructions if you were to scrupulously eliminate all “ethnographics” from your communications.  Shakespeare quotes being

I don’t see how this movie doesn’t require any less “homework” than The Marvels for example. You didn’t technically need to know all of the background of those movies either other than a general understanding of the main characters.

right?? why not Fri-Sun? ugh.

The director says it’s in its own timeline, so your headcanon is canon.

As much as I loved “Logan”, it was kinda depressing to think the payoff at the end of Days of Future Past was followed up with Professor X nuking everyone he loved. It’d be nice if “Logan” was separate from the original X-men movie timeline (which is basically my headcanon)

I actually think he has a point. There are fire extinguishers and fire suppression systems. Two different classes of equipment and approaches/applications. Most fire departments make the distinction between the two, as often times you’ll see certain plans (such as a restaurant kitchen) that have a fire suppression syst

That loser can’t even get somebody to put up a mere half billion dollar bond for him.

Then there’s the image on the poster itself. Clearly, that’s a lightsaber with a trail of blood. Pretty violent for Star Wars, don’t you think?

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

  • Brakes last 2-5 times longer than ICE vehicles, depending on regen use.

I went to like your comment and ended up hitting that Hulu ad that spawned in front of the star

Wrong again like the prior post stated. Those are not Godzilla films. 

It wasn’t just a great kaiju film, it wasn’t just a great Japanese film, it was a great film.  Period.

You should read the piece from Jason about anthem. When the head of ea, who doesn’t strike me as a massive gamer btw, jas to come and tell you your game is crap then it’s an issue.

Fuckin each others moooooooommmms

Get that you’re doing it for SEO purposes but can’t you mix it up with the “Mario Maker” crap? In a Zelda article? It’s tiresome.

Does it need to be pointed out that there are stainless-steel-bodied Deloreans built in 1981 that still haven’t “attracted rusting surface contaminants?”

Variety reports Clark Backo (Letterkenny) has joined the cast of Venom 3 in a currently undisclosed role.

This was my exact reaction as well. This article and most of the commenters are off-base here.