
Not a movie, but Doom Patrol was a weird, wonderful winner of a live action series, and not just to hear Brenden Fraser say “What the fuck?” a lot. It was so much more than that.

It wasn’t a flop either though. My impression is it did solid if not blockbuster numbers, much like Ahsoka

“its lazy”

The second super Mario movie should just be some random unrelated anime movie with the protagonists names changed to Mario Luigi and Peach , as is tradition.

Great! Not a game I’m likely to play but I’m glad it exists. I also hope every pathetic chode whose only identifying qualities are lamenting fabricated grievances, pining the loss of “the way things used to be”, and attacking the very existence (let alone representation) of historically marginalized demographics,

They were going to mention it, but.... ehhhhhh

Benedict Cumberbatch was totally not going to be playing Khan, either.

Yeah, and Andrew Garfield said he wasn’t in No Way Home.

It’s too bad Cheetah is DC because I’m pretty sure Ryan Reynolds would have moved Heaven and Earth to have Taylor Swift play a cat-themed person in a Deadpool movie.

How does this news affect Joe Biden’s chances in November?

Huh, she’s a very good actress, but hardly what I think of for an action star.

There is no timeline, Godzilla at this point is a concept open to one-off interpretations.  Minus One was an elite version of that concept.  It has no relationship to Legendary or Shin and doesn’t need to anymore than a Thor cartoon and a Thor movie and Thor from Norse Mythology. :)

Huh? Godzilla Minus One has nothing to do with any other Godzilla movie.

Um, okay, weirdo. Sorry she didn’t give you a hard on, I guess?

I have no idea what you’re smoking, but Anya Taylor-Joy is anything but plain jane looking.

Way to have a hot take that isn’t there.... They were saying not having everything spoon fed to them is necessary for a film to be good. Sometimes a little imagination goes a long way in movies.

No, they’re saying that the problems Germain has with the movie are not problems for them.

To be fair that sounds like the Supergirl from the Tom King when work they’re adapting, she’s still a compassionate character but there’s a side to her she suppresses on Earth

I can’t decide who absolutely nailed their assignment more: The makeup artist crushing it on the ghoul’s appearance, or Walton Goggins’ parents just absolutely hitting the nail on the head when selecting his name.