
It’s even more tone deaf to nominate Ryan Reynolds for a movie he wasn’t even in

“they also can lean on the governments”

We’ll need that time to forget how forgettable she was in BP2.

Found the patent:

I doubt you’re the only one, there’s lots of people with wrong opinions out there. 

There’s not much point in using subjective taste as a metric for whether something is stacked or not. Better to use objective metrics. Of the 7 games on this list, 4 are launching day one on Game Pass. That’s pretty impressive.

An adult animated show about a super hero attorney at law? That would never work!

The Orville!!!!!!!!!!

He wasn’t even making a joke. He was making an analogy that the writer (and probably the interviewer) is too young to remember

Because Family Guy isn’t that funny anymore so let’s just dismiss everything else he’s done I guess? I’m not sure where the hate is coming from either. Sure he’s not funny all the time but few people are. And last I checked he hasn’t done anything that would warrant disliking him on a personal level.

Yeah, read the article, expected Set MacFarlane to pull a Peter, instead he talks pretty normal throughout the whole interview.

Feels whoever wrote that paragraph is trying to be a sensationalist blogger at their worst.

Came to comments for the same question.  Author seems to have a bone to pick with the guy.  Comparing the last 3 paragraphs to the actual video is jarring.

Yeah the way he answers, it seems like even Offerman knows better. He's a smart guy and didn't get where he is by not understanding the strengths of his work

>Thoughts, ideas, experiences (something machine learning algorithms also do not have), abstract reasoning, knowledge, understanding, and feelings are all parts of the human learning experience. None of those things are present in machine learning.

All your points are good. I would also add that the last two years of inflation coming on the tail end of the pandemic certainly led people to curb spending on non-essentials.

Context? On the internet? In this economy?

you’re right but i also didn’t wanna spoil absolutely everything. i think watching blue scuti do this is so impressive so hopefully the moments i touched on were intriguing enough to prompt readers to watch the whole thing. it’s wild

Ugh... Someone isreally drinking the buzzword Pocari Sweat.

Saying the Pride event “wasn’t perfect” is being way too charitable. As a trans person, it’s the reason I uninstalled the game for good after years of actively playing it, because Blizzard made the event unavailable in countries like Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Hungary and Romania. What’s the point of Pride if it’s

fwiw the director said they’ve basically recomposited the film to take advantage of the strengths of the b&w format, probably should have mentioned that somewhere.