
I know you’re gonna get some guff over this article being way more positive than John Walker’s review but I like that there isn’t a hive mind about having all material mirror the review.

You're talking to a box of rocks. He constantly evangelizes the barely relevant piece of kit. 

Thank you for being a virtual friend.

Still unsure why everyone is lamenting the lack of a Netflix app. Would much rather have a “Golden Girls” app called VRthur.

Now playing

I gotta be honest, I haven’t played Sonic Adventure 2 in a while, but this is the song I most associate with it and would love to see in the movie:

I pre-ordered it this morning on Xbox and it downloaded a single title. It was really small too like around 5GB.

My $1500 custom quad-friendly controller agrees with you :P

This is one of the best Kotaku articles in a hot minute. Really interesting, especially the comparisons with the Xbox adaptive controller. I hope that they release a more manageable shape and size soon. 

yeah gifting your digital license to a friend, and have them pay you some cash for it on the side, would be nice

One of our UPS drivers has been doing that since the Xbox One. Him and his son each had an Xbox so he bought everything digitally which gave them each a copy of the game. It was much nicer than buying each game twice.

He’s infamous for his love of humor and mischief. Some people enjoy life.

I sincerely hope he got a very nice house out of that commercial

As a food scientist, that USDA link is more a cover your ass range than one that is reality. 41°F is hardly warm enough to be a concern and would require excessive time to be an issue..

Well written and informative! More writing like this on the site please.

Nice, always enjoy seeing this game crop back up in the news. It’s still by far the best iteration of 3D Sonic since the original Genesis era.

More than friends, less than lovers. Definitely not kin.

you are correct.  Thanks for catching that.

Five minute scene of them accidentally driving through a portal to another universe while peacemaker is arguing about directions with a map covering the windshield. The joke is they never realize they left, no matter how obvious. Done.

It was the only part of Kinja that reliably worked, so they had to fix it.

The people in this comment section claiming Japanese copyright law doesn’t protect parody are really uninformed. No a wikipedia page is not a thorough source on Japanese parody law works.