Thissss. Like yes let’s leave him alone. He has enough money. He can just be a dad and change his fucking name if he wants. No one is pressing charges so he got off easy. Let’s leave it all the fuck alone.
Thissss. Like yes let’s leave him alone. He has enough money. He can just be a dad and change his fucking name if he wants. No one is pressing charges so he got off easy. Let’s leave it all the fuck alone.
Of all the comedians I’d expect to offer such a resolute defense of Panama Jackoff, she’s pretty near the bottom. At worst you expect she would go for the noncommittal “he’s my friend”defense.
Not just one daughter, but two daughters. There’s clearly a bonus multiplier for extra daughters when using them as a shield against sexual harassment claims. If he’d had thirty-seven daughters, we’d all have to apologize to him.
Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed…
“And I really can’t see the Garofalo of the early 90s - the alt comic feminist - allowing a comic of that generation to skate so easily if they’d done something like that to her.”
She also dragged out the “he’s my friend” and “question the source”, despite the fact questioning the source(s) is an idiotic statement because he admitted he did what everyone said he did.
A good way for comedians to be left alone is to not have your manager book gigs at comedy clubs. It works; ask Dave Chapelle. It is also entirely possible to criticize C.K. while being his friend. You are not being disloyal by pointing out, when asked, that a good friend fucked up/is a fuck-up.
Look, I get standing up for a friend. But compare this to what Marc Maron said about C.K., also longtime friends. He had asked C.K. privately about the (at the time) rumors and Louis said they weren’t true. When C.K. admitted to the behavior, Maron said on the podcast that Louis had straight up lied to him and fuck…
She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”
Thank you, yes, this was largely the point. I wasn’t trying to purposefully drum up “not all white people” comments by including that quote, but kept it in as how it feels to be a brown person in a world where white women, who by and large create and dominate the world’s beauty standards, have suddenly become the face…
Fellow White People, repeat after me: “I’m confused. What’s going on?”
Some of us are really into Bushido and are just waiting for the day when we get to protect our village from bandits.
I think the sword thing is a combination of “2nd Amendment/mah gunz”-ism and the things-were-better-in-the-good-ol’-days attitude. Every white dude I’ve ever known who had/wanted a sword was convinced that in the event of an “emergency”, he was gonna transform into Zorro and flawlessly fillet everyone.
How the hell do you not get arrested for that?! If you did that on the bus you’d get arrested, you definitely should for doing it in a classroom full of kids!
This whole article has me like “huh”? The substitute teacher got caught jerking off in a classroom full of kids and they just let him go and told him not to go near any children?
It all came down to the underage girl that R. Kelly pissed on and raped. When you have the obvious person in the video being assaulted saying that it’s not her being raped and you even have the victims parents saying that it wasn’t her in the video......(COUGH..paid off..COUGH)....then you have placed reasonable doubt…
R. Kelly can go fuck himself. I hope he will finally receive the punishment he deserves.
After watching the whole series, the thing that really irks me is HOW DID THAT JURY ACQUIT HIM ?!!! (I saw the one juror say he didn’t believe the prosecution witnesses -he seemed racist as hell- but what about the rest of the jury?)
That sounds like my nightmare. But if that makes them happy (and they aren’t full of shit), whatever.