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Whether or not you like the meme or not, Uganda Knuckles isn’t a racist meme. Imitating an accent does not mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race. This is an excellent video on the topic.

You can’t post an image on the internet and expect it to not be reposted somewhere if it clicks with someone. Doesn’t matter if it’s not fair, that’s just real life.

You don’t look crazy. You and others just need to buy the comment DLC to unlock it again.

I think I would be considered a furry, but I’d die before I get caught wearing a suit and you’re right to think they’re weird. I’m honestly starting to think that a handful of furries are lying to themselves when they say they aren’t in it for the creepy stuff I shall not name. I believe they don’t want to believe

Longtime WoW player here — from alpha to 2012, then from 2016 - 2017. Blizzard never, ever, locks you out of content that existed when you last played the game, whether you go for an expansion or not. In fact, you often *gain* access to some advantages, indirectly. A few examples:

Hey jason, you best work some of your magic and dig up some dirt on what the hell is going on with bungie. there’s no way they gave us this DLC and actually thought it was worth while content. There has to be more to it than Bungie having their heads in the cloud.

The odd thing is that your reply to “dsxghdfj” makes complete sense to me without further context. Maybe I’ve been on the internet too long.

I don’t get why people are having such a hard time grasping this concept

An MMO expansion requires you to buy the expansion to experience CONTENT YOU USED TO HAVE ACCESS TO for a version of the game released only TWO MONTHS AGO.

“The furry community is no different from any other community out there,”

I feel like we are long past the point where we all should have admitted that Destiny is a bad game, and was never a good one. It’s the gaming equivalent of the transformers movies. Terrible and profitable.

Every major addition to destiny breaks the game. Then they make a new addition to unbreak it...but that is also

Defend them all you like but furries are still fucking creepy.

But Vik describes furries as people who just love cartoon animals. “Do you like Bugs Bunny? Hate to break it to ya then, but you’re a furry.”

Wait, this game is in early access AND has micro-transactions?

The problem isn’t that people don’t want indie titles, it’s that when indie titles started to blossom, the shit pipes opened up and sprayed boring indie pixel graphics games everywhere, making it harder to find a quality experience.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”   

Okay, seriously, this is a Bioware game?

Man, thats gonna be one gorgeous looking boring ass game.

I was really hoping it wouldn’t be another Destiny/Warframe wannabe. Screw multiplayer co-op stuff. I want single player RPG’s. I want some Bioware in my Bioware games!

While Blizzard is a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Blizzard itself generally publishes their own games. This gives them a large degree of autonomy from Activision, and they aren’t forced to associate their games’ branding with their parent company. The infrastructure and netcode for the Blizzard app is also