
Fun fact: contrary to what Idiocracy presents as gospel, the American population (and the population of the industrialized world in general) is constantly getting smarter. IQs go up so regularly and predictably year-over-year that all reputable IQ tests (generally the Wechsler tests, the Woodcock-Johnson and the

Guy who’s whole schtick is having troll shit happen had troll shit happen. Guess at 25 I’m officially too old to get the point.

That main image of him with the cigar makes me want to punch him in the face. What a douchey photo.

Should I be feeling something here besides disappointment?

...given that IRL is unexplored territory.

Oh boy, more crap like this disguised as a voice for people who ‘get it’ ...

The same reason you don’t show your kids news about wars in the Middle East or pretty much anything Trump does. It’s heavy stuff for a kid to comprehend (especially without the parent, which is what this feature is for), and if the parent wants their kid to learn about it they can teach them or show them the videos

It could be that there is more to cover now. A lot of people are inspired right now, as often happens during a time of political turmoil (which even Trump supporters can admit is the case, as I acknowledge you are not one of them). So people are creating things that are in turn being covered by Kotaku. It’s probably a

Well said. I do think the game would be much stronger with a narrative as strong as that of Witcher 3, but the lack of a strong narrative shouldn’t be causing this much of a negative.

I certainly don’t want to pretend that I find the writing in GWR top-shelf or anything. I don’t. Though I do find some of the banter charming, and serviceable at filling in the gaps while roaming the open world.