Big Bill Hell's Auto Sales

Weird to me that people are mad about a school buying a performer condoms but have no qualms with the rest of what is a ridiculous rider. Condoms, bad. The other 40 household items, toiletries, snacks and liquor, fine.

The weirdest part about this is that La Russa has always been loudly and proudly a fan of retaliation. His sudden defense is bizarre.

That picture perfectly embodies the image I had in my head when I wrote my post.

*A rabid Mike Shanahan, red-faced and grimacing, rushes out of his condo, picks up the ball and angrily heaves it back over the fence*

Early detection is key. Les Miles’ clock management strikes again.

Bet a DH doesn’t get hit in the face with this pitch.

I’m sure Comcast wants the PR associated with taking someone to court for a thousand bucks because they failed to properly turn the service off.

I tend to agree with you that ultimately the law seems to be on the side of the NFL and Goodell. Binding arbitration is what it is.

This is an appropriately lawyerly response but come on? Who’s going to actually prosecute this? What if you threw out your TV set and cable box when they initially turned it off, and never knew it was back on?

“Hey kid, you’re fired. And if anyone asks, you’re a ‘third party vendor’, k?” *scribbles out 1099*

It’s easy for a sports radio caller or whomever to concoct a clever one-liner on how the Supreme Court won’t hear it, with the ridiculous context underinflated balls in a blowout game of a child’s sport 18 months ago provides, but you’re right. There’s more to it.

Reminder (for before the taeks): This prolonged litigation that may see its way to the Supreme Court is not really about Tom Brady — at least not any more — and it isn’t at all about air in footballs.

Reince Preibus: ....And by this logic, Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee! Ice cream for everybody!

“How high the ground goes” what the hell are you talking about? This poorly, softly hit ball is on a trajectory to fall harmlessly to the infield grass.

I’m just as confused about what’s so difficult for you. If the pitcher did not catch it, this is a slow rolling ground ball to the second baseman. If a line drive is a ball hit hard, this didn’t meet that criteria. This ball was nubbed, flared, queued, sliced, fisted, a jam shot. It was not “lined.”

When Zeke agreed to the invitation to play “Connect Four” he thought it had something to do with a three-woman team of administrative personnel.

Just gonna assume at this point that you at least realize you misunderstood my first post and showed your ass in your idiotic response, and now prefer to double down rather than acknowledge it. Cool.

Definition of line drive: “a powerfully hit ball that travels in the air and relatively close to and parallel with the ground.”

Uhh, no? Great play, awesome reaction. My bone to pick is with the announcer who 1) sounded like Mickey Mouse and 2) identified a flare off the handle of the bat as if it were a scalded line drive.