Sean McDonough is awesome and a great choice. An upgrade, frankly, over Tirico.
Sean McDonough is awesome and a great choice. An upgrade, frankly, over Tirico.
Totally understand that point. As a privileged white dude, I read his comments and thought about what life must be like transitioning from being poor and relatively anonymous in a broken foreign country to being a mega-rich baseball star in the United States. Could have been Cuba, the Dominican, Yugoslavia, whatever —…
Reading this with interest because I at times feel like it might be a problem that I so rarely get angry. This is definitely one of those “grass greener on the other side” types of issues, but it does seem that those who are able to get angry are spurred into action more than I am, at times, as I try to reflect,…
In before “I make my own out of organic and locally sourced eco-friendly ingredients”
In before “I make my own out of organic and locally sourced eco-friendly ingredients”
Yeah, not what I intended at all. Sorry if that comes across that way.
Meant to scroll down to the comments so I could leave my own take on why Jessica Mendoza is not good but got caught up in the takes and burned my eyebrows soul off.
I’m a little unclear on what part of my post you took to mean that Chapman “lacks the capacity for intelligence.” I’m assuming you’re parsing the shit out of my use of the word “stupid” but none of this takes away from the general point that Chapman is likely an idiot just trying to stay afloat in a totally different…
It’s not a matter of preference. It’s a matter of ignorance. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but it is sometimes reality.
Is he wrong? Ballplayers who come to the US from other countries typically have little, if any, formal education. In Chapman’s case, he was a toxic combination of extremely wealthy and woefully stupid the second he got onto US soil. He did have to learn those norms and laws of the US, assimilate to Major League…
I’m impressed at the cognitive dissonance displayed by the many who honestly believe that people would drive head-on into the obstacle that is the Paterno Protectorate power structure (like this tool) to come forward with made up bullshit to besmirch the legacy of Joe Paterno who has been dead and otherwise forgotten…
The cello. Just watch the player’s wrist flicking the bow around the strings, as if to say, “Look at how good I am at playing this big fucking floor violin.”
Very glad this teenaged-idiocy-laden incident will be the first result of anyone who googles this guy’s name until the end of time. That and the thousands of dollars of labor expended by public employees on this case seem wholly appropriate in comparison to I dunno, maybe an unpleasant trip to the principal’s office…
I bet it’s a running joke among coaches that ESPN employs Tom Luginbill, who has no experience whatsoever in college recruiting, as their National Recruiting Director.
Coincidentally I want to adopt a child, perhaps even a dog, with Katie Nolan.
This is fantastic!