big bada boom

Juliane Koepckeis is such a badass.

Reading is hard.

I saw this headline and immediately went to netflix thinking, wow the new season is out?

Hello and thanks for an update. Two things:

And here I thought I was just being paranoid.

*Doctor unwraps bandages*

Jughead hat?

Stand back while I make a list of all the science that has been proven wrong by religion;

Spicer, later: It's finger licking good Sir!

*Spicer tries to practice Fat Albert catch phrase, settles for copying James "Mushmouth" Mush instead*

She said she had a law degree…

I got two words for you, Shut the fuck up!

I liked Talking Heads, More Songs About Building Walls and Taco Trucks.

Maybe offer some delicious Hormel Black Label Bacon?

Maybe stick to hanging upside down, and kissing Mary Jane in the rain instead.


A Newt, but I got better…

I'm still on medication from that day, well self prescribed medication.

Keep Summer safe.

Wait til they see what gets likes around here, they'll make a fortune.