big bada boom

Bills are poised to take the lead in the afc east ...

He’s had the same well-paying job for 28 years. At this point I’d be happy if I could pin down a well-paying job for 28 days...

Pray I do not ungrey it further...

Unfortunately, I think the powers-that-be see the death of this community as a feature, not a bug.

Has anyone else had the thing happen where you hit “show more replies” and it just refreshes to the top of the comments? Good times.

You forgot Rocky VII.

It’s been a real time saver since I’m not reading nearly as many comment threads on here anymore. Mr. Scorpio says productivity is up 2%, and it’s all because of Kinja’s motivational techniques

I, for one, appreciate the smooth transition, improved functionality, how easy it was to transfer my legacy account, and, most of all, the influx of thoughtful commenters without losing a single AVC commenter.

I’m just gonna say mine.

The real fun (where available) is in scooching back into commenting histories and feeds to see just how respectful they were of the office of the President between 2009 and 2016.

“In this novel, a heroic, righteous officer of the law spends decades chasing an evil, criminal fugitive who used a fake identity to hide in plain sight and even stole a loaf of bread when he was hungry. That criminal was a thief and deserved to be punished.”

- An excerpt from Tom Llamas grade 7 book report on Victor

Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.

You want the best ratings of all time, you petty, pathetic orange cyst with teeth & hair? Go on national news & fucking resign. I’ll watch that.

I went to the 1st showing of “Dunkirk” yesterday, and it was literally me, Mrs. Treatment, and the ghost of Winston Churchill sitting in the theater.

Well maybe if the theaters hadn’t switched to Kinja then people would still show up.

For trashy entertainment today’s teens can do what I did and watch This Week with George Stephanopoulos

I, for one, welcome our young, socially conscientious new overlords.

This is just another example of the media’s agenda of trying to brainwash our innocent kids into not being terrible, hateful people.