Big Grizz

I’m sure she still adheres rigidly to the Ten Suggestions, though.

In fairness, having same sex attraction is clearly a “lifestyle” while engaging in premarital sex and demanding any resulting offspring be carried to term is a protected class; that’s just how the Founding Fathers, especially Ben “this guy fucks” Franklin, intended it

And a porn star

I thought DeSantis likes tricking people into getting on busses bound for New York.  Can’t he just do that?

Ironically, it took a black man from New York to make America great again.

Surprise! Republican is a hypocritical shitbag. Who could have seen that coming?

And if we don’t get a perp walk, they’ll spin a conspiracy theory because don’t you think it’s suspicious that we never actually saw them arresting Trump?

Fuck all that shit, perp walk 100%.  Shame this man.  

No one who would vote for this asshole will care about these allegations and no amount of evidence will change their minds. The GQP only cares about “owning the libs” and making life as immeasurably cruel as possible to everyone who isn’t a straight white man.

Nah I see Ryan Phillippe.

Evil Jesse Plemmons. Anybody else see it? 


Aside from the fact not everyone can afford to stay at home and homeschool their kid or hire someone to do it, I can confirm as a college administrator homeschooled kids are the WEIRDEST and don’t adjust great to college life.

When I saw the thing about him carrying a cup everywhere, I was like, “Huh, that’s like a Terrence Howard thing. I wonder what else he has going on.”

It’s what one wears to jump a motorcycle over 24 Pride floats.

In fairness, Senate Republicans did a lot of the damage.

The creepy Federalist Society’s hand picked mole justices, shady?? How dare you

Beloved my fucking ass. Why not talk about how he tortured his pregnant girlfriend.

You'd have to dumpster-dive BEHIND the dollar store to find Boebert.