Big Grizz



Actually... how about a Trumptraitor for McGregdork swap, straight up? Maybe even throw in a few family members to make the money right. 

Ha if someone would pay for gas a composition notebook, and a good cameraperson, I guess I could be in Florida by Saturday...

That seems a bit harsh to ferns...

Unless it’s like 4d chess kind of meta sarcasm? Otherwise, what a complete ass

And, if they are trying to make as much mula as possible, killing a 90 pack in like 20 seconds at a time is probably worth it to them?

Wait, wait, wait... what?!?!

Nah, that looks like the dude asking for cigs outside of the Mustang coming into town...

Never thought I’d see the day when a turtle smile would ruin my day, yet here we are... : (

Not cool. What a dick!

Ha ha agreed, but is it like “Drake is a nightmare man” (super scary), or like “Drake is a nightmare, man (super annoying?)

Snowflacky or snowflakey? ; )

Right? Like what the fuck? 

The header picture is pretty Get Out-ish as well. But love the way the little “women” looks at her mama. Happy Friday Eve everybody ;)

But orca’s are cool as shit. Maybe we could think of another animal or change it to obese blobfish or something, but Ted Cruz already has that one wrapped up if I remember correctly...

Ha ha go on...

Hard to star but so very true

The opening credit sequence is one of the greatest things ever

How many dick pics does a dick pic pick if a dick pic does pick dick? ( pics...)