So much this
So much this
Wait to you see the normal and ultimate lube hack...
Agreed. She could maybe, MAYBE, have a water pistol or a NERF gun.
Let's just put it this way... the heat is on
I am so sorry to hear that :( . Thank you for responding with grace :)
Google says “brain tumor,” but didn’t rank the pain levels of it, so fingers crossed...
Oh. And happy early mother’s day :)
I would say do it, if your/your families can afford for it. My mother did with myself and two younger sisters (while also babysitting some other kids of friends and friends of my parents in between but we were farrrrrr from walking around in new shoes and clothes and taking grand vacatations to awesome destinations, fo…
How many more do you think he wore after that before he felt like he could stop wearing them without people thinking he only stopped due to the savage burn?
While this is such a great clip, the helpless pleading in John’s voice at the end of the clip for them to just have a serious conversation about the problems should have been a greater sign of foreshadowing for what would be coming after.
That was probably just crushed up Oregano
Someone to John Wick my dog, but then they might like my appearance
Well hold on now... you forgot about ifn the bebe is in a belly?
Who isn’t these days?
I read that as Hot Corndog Summer and was like... alright. Not the worst summer theme I suppose
Coming soon to a Marvel multiverse near you!
Well he was the VP back in 2008, so it DOES check out...
So wait.... are we, or are we not, supposed to be eating more meat or are we supposed to be eating less? I’m like three “controversies” behind already...
Ha right? Like alright, they wanted all those glorious abortions, so instead, let’s just make them sterile. That’ll show those harlots...