Big Grizz

Because have you ever shotten one of those fuckers? Or if they take the AK’s, whats next, my musket?”- /s

His head to body ratio is not what I was expecting based on how loud and abrasive he is, but upon second thought (and sight) does it become more obvious.

Ah yes, the cursory Googler.

Ha ha through blue jeans.

Probably the bounties on American soldiers to start off with

There’s always time...

I thought the other vaccine was supposed to cause that...

Very proud of you for the day as well as getting married. :) But how about the evening hours, as some weird kind of foreplay for consummation. You know how suspenders can be, awfully like gremlins... /s 

Through squinted eye, she almost looks like one of Chandler Bing’s mothers

Suits your name, you dirty, dirty person... :)

So much this. But then that takes critical thinking skillz and those can be hard to come by sometimes, apparently

Well, that’s why they have their bootstraps... /s

I thought it was “Dokter” Oz by now?

Ha ha Moscow Mitch would like a word... ;)

From the scaly lips of Moscow Mitch

Look at this cancel culture trying to cancel, ‘assholes.’ Can you believe the audacity?

Isn’t it Cocaine Chao for a reason? 

If only we knew what Chris thought

Ha ha all I could think of was Kim Possible

“Or why is “Daddy in love with my sister?”