Big Crank

Detour to a funny story time- My nutty dad used an air horn wedged up against the door one vacation like that when we were in a shady part of TN. My sister (about 14 then) freaked out in her sleep and had a sleep walking nightmare where she went to open the room door while screaming at some nightmare specter and oh,

Pedestrians always have right of way. ALWAYS. It’s the driver’s responsibility to not hit pedestrians, not the other way around. That’s true no matter what clothing they are wearing.

AMC, Scott Gimple and Robert Kirkman can fuck right the hell off after that clown show of an ending last night.

I’m picturing the porn. “Oh, it’s the pizzabot... And I don’t have any money for a tip... Whatever will I do?” [Ziiiiip]

OK am I crazy, or did the initial articles about Binge On, like what... 6 months ago or so? Give or take a few... Did they NEVER mention a downgraded quality? I argued with so many people about how I don’t see the issue with Binge On, specifically because it’s not taking anything away from anyone. We all pay for a

Public speaking is part of my full time job, so I would also add to this list:

4. Unless you’re famous, most people are there for reasons other than you, and so they have no expectations. This is a great opportunity to gain reputation and teach someone something unexpected.

(Mine included, obvs.)

Then clearly the town is ignorant to graphic design.

My SO tells me fairly often “You’re home all day, why don’t you do some chores when you take breaks?” It really doesn’t click that I’m “at work”, so yeah, I might wash a dish or two if I have a snack, but I like my breaks to be exactly that: a break. A chance to refresh for the coming slog of work.

Good article. 10 and 9 cannot be overstated. I get up every morning, shower, get dressed (even a tie if I have a video call), go out for coffee and come back ready to get to work - as if I commuted to the office.

I’m not a prequel defender but I think one of the big problems with them was that they weren’t just a cash grab. Lucas put his all into them, he just failed. The new JJ Abrams SW movie is a cash grab, but it’s well executed & gives fans what they want.

If you need more than a 14 pound turkey, you need to consider going with 2 smaller birds. The bigger the turkey, longer to cook, longer it takes to cook, the better chance of it drying out. A bigger bird is not always better.

Whereas many manufacturers have made the switch to a USB-C charging port—with its super fast advantages—BlackBerry’s still trapped in the past with a microUSB. The past. Kind of a recurring theme, huh?

And that’s the difference between Science-Fiction, and Fantasy.

Gosh I almost want to star this comment for the ending but I can’t get past the victim blaming and calling the driver of the car an idiot when the proper term is psychopath.

You’re crazy. I’d be shocked if more people felt the way you do than the way I do. I have never, ever consistently had a problem feeling like Chipotle was being chintzy with my burritos. They’ve always been nice and packed, and whenever I’ve asked for a little extra this or that, the server has always given it without

How about some executive jail time?

I knew I'd find someone smarter than Stephen Hawking on Gizmodo.

Well, if I got a bad bill, I would politely tell them that I could not accept it, and that they should complain to whomever gave it to them. I would make the “assumption” that they are the victim (even if I expect them to be a perpetrator) giving them the option to simply give me real money, or walk.

“Wood. It’s what’s for dinner.” Doesn’t quite have the same appeal.