Big Crank

Now that I think about it, subsidizing a phone through a wireless carrier is kind of like subsidizing your car though a gas station.

Breaking Norton is a value-add.

5. Rub the whole thing down with Hand Sanitizer. Make sure to wait for the alcohol to evaporate!

Many years ago I lost my first baby to SIDS. This was a couple weeks after her first round of vaccinations. A person pointed this connection out to me shortly after the funeral. I hit that person in the face.

Shipping kills the deal.

Aw, you still have drive-thru ATMs to taunt us with.

Bullshit questions deserve bullshit answers. “What is your greatest weakness?” really translates into “Give me a reason to NOT hire you.”

Hmm, I like your letter writing strategy, it helps you stand apart, I’m sure.

Jeez, with 90% of the replies here it seems like people expect to be robbed by Sherlock Holmes.

Pedialyte has never helped me the day of the hangover. It helps me if I drink it before I pass out the night before.

Sony is the worst company to bring a new medium to market... ever.

So assuming you meant 2 can cross at once...

I am really impressed with the overall tone of the comments! Lots of opinions, but the discussion is mostly polite and productive. You know, for an internet comments page.

Just like with nuclear power, global warming mitigation, and vaccination, there is a direct correlation between how much you understand the science and how much you support the technology.

Exactly, and directly modifying the genome is just easier and faster than how we did it for the rest of our time here. I get problems with patents and large corporations and all that, but being against all GMOs is just dumb.

Another trick, told to me by a professional, is that the proper fork, spoon, or knife to use with your latest serving is always the one toward the outside. Use utensils from the outside inward.

Yeah, what is it... like $350 for the cheapest model? I honestly thought about flying to Cupertino and see if they’d sell me whatever their execs were smoking. Sadly though, they’ll probably sell millions of them. Apple could put turds in a box, charge $500 for it, and have people lined up around the block. Then do it

That word does not mean what you think it means.

Bill never took a stand for or against God. He merely explained what is and what has happened. This isn't about how things could have been created, it's a description of what we've actually observed.

Coming from a cyclist: Your meme does hold a lot of truth. I refuse to ride in group rides because they end up with pack mentality of "oh, I don't have to follow the rules of the road". Cyclists have a complex that drives me crazy. You are on the road, and you must follow the rules. Cops do enforce the laws with