Big Crank

WD-40 o bike chains is a big no-no.

This whole article and you can’t bother to list a single example of a valuable $2 bill?

Newsflash - if your $2 bill is from 1976 and NEWER - It’s worth $2. MAYBE you can convince some sucker to pay more for a CRISP 1976 $2 bill, or if it has a unique serial # (binary, trinary, birthdate) they are worth more but that

Keeping your hat on makes it look like you’re about to leave. It’s weird and rude.

I still say taking your hat off is a sign of respect. Particularly if you’re a guest in someone’s home.  

You know, if you want the toasted taste...... toast them first then freeze them to eat later.

I think they blew a cool opportunity here- in the TOS episode, the Romulan commander was played by Mark Lenard, who would go on to play Spock’s father Sarek throughout the franchise until the 09 film. Sarek was played by James Frain in Discovery, so it would have been a fun Easter Egg to have him play the Romulan

Thank you for NOT making this a slide show! 

Two things I always include, but fortunately have never needed them are a garbage bag in case my luggage gets wrecked, and some strong tape one a short straw for repairing luggage if needed.

On behalf of all Kinja, let me thank you for not putting this in a slideshow or a video.

If you respond with your range, that is setting the baseline. Better to ask what the range is for the position.

Did the applicant graduate from Wossamotta U. (showing my age with that one)?

Never, ever share your current salary. While it may be illegal for companies to base the pay offered off your current pay, there’s no way to prove that’s what they did. If they ask your current salary, counter with “what is the pay range for the position”?

This is so true.

I highly recommend Ride With GPS ( they have some sort of membership but it isn’t required.  Plus it’s really widely used so you can download routes other people have made.

This era of uniform is – hands down – the best, and the jacketed version is the best of the best. I’ll phaser anyone who disagrees (stun only).

A couple things. First, most “break-ins” are people that just forgot to lock their doors in the first place. So that fancy lock has to actually be used. Second, remove the screws for your deadbolt strike plate and replace them with longer ones.  Third, make sure you are also doing this to your garage access door.  If

If you’re living in a rental and don’t have the ability to make changes to the door itself, consider something like this security bar from Master Lock (link below). I kept one on the front door of my last two rentals, both of which we entered almost exclusively through the door in the garage. It helped us feel like

It's totally jerkin'!

A common theme here is movies that intend to satirize or condemn masculine violence are instead interpreted as totally earnest celebrations of it. And it’s an evergreen problem: how many people think Walter White is genuinely aspirational? How many people left Joker thinking Arthur was totally justified?

One thing I’ve thought for awhile about Heinlein now is that I have sympathy for people who took Heinlein’s view in 1959. Not today, but in 1959.