Big Crank

Once when working for a “butts in seats” kind of boss, I took one of my smart switches and plugged my lights into it. I could tell Alexa to turn on the office lights from anywhere. 

Here’s a trick I use: Look for satellite dishes on local homes (DirecTV, Dish, that sort of thing). Almost all if these point to birds in geocentric orbits in the Southern sky. 

Still good for rough estimate. Think of what goes into a Pound Cake (at least originally): a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of milk (1 Qt.), plus the other stuff. 

I always know that 1 liter is roughly 1 quart and go from there. When in Canada for example, I can multiply the liter price by 4 to compare to gallon pricing in the US. I also know a pint of liquid = 1 lb., so a quart = 2 lbs., etc. 

Great post, as usual.

Unless you are trying to go faster, lighter, or get more responsiveness from your tires.

While many of us remember to turn off the water when brushing, we often forget about doing so while washing dishes. Even if you don’t have a double sink or use a washing tub, you can wet, turn off the water, soap and scrub, then rinse. 

Will it do something about the constant nag to set up Apple Pay?

I had some emergency abdominal surgery about nine years ago. While recuperating, hospital staff come and greet patients apparently. One such visitor was the hospital dietitian. “How’s the food?” he asked. I told him I hadn’t been able to eat yet, as I was being feed by a tube. He told me that he hoped I’d like it when

Brown shirts are AOK!

Your 401k provider allows you to buy many things, not just stocks. If you believe a recession is imminent, you might switch your investment to bonds for example. The last thing you should do is stop contributing. You will get out of the habit of savings and will miss out on any employer match (free money).

No dude, carry on would still go under the seat or possibly the overhead, but the rollerboard would be checked.

Also, if I’m not mistaken, didn’t this very blog at one time suggest that travelers look for hidden city ticketing as a way to save money on their next flight?

How is this unethical? If the airline offers a ticket where it is cheaper to travel this way, then they need to rethink how they price their product. If they charged based on a simpler principle like, say, actual distance, there wouldn’t be the need to be policing this stuff.

I am NOT one of those critics of Millennials complaining that they don’t have enough to live on but still buy expensive coffee. Having said that, Starbucks is expensive. I make high quality espresso drinks at home that I’m sure cost me less than a buck, and taste much better. I also get to work from a quieter and

Very cute and informational, but few adults will need to tie a full Windsor knot (as pictured). The first knot I learned was the four-in-hand, then later the Half Windsor. The full Windsor is nice for very thin fabric, but most people find it looks bulky and won’t go with many shirt/tie/jacket combinations.

I’m confused: I see many, many posts, articles, etc. about smaller versions of USB-C chargers to replace the “free” one that came with the laptop. Why do I want to do that? My Lenovo charger is 65 watts. This one is smaller, cuter, whatever, but it’s only 30 watts and will set me back $24. Where is the benefit? There

I’m confused: I see many, many posts, articles, etc. about smaller versions of USB-C chargers to replace the “free”

You lost me at “pineapple”

I am not a vegetarian, but I’m concerned about the planet enough to attempt the Impossible. I’ve eaten one at each of two chains: Red Robin and Bar Louie. Although they were not the best burger I’ve ever had, they were both fairly indistinguishable from the real thing. I can’t wait to try the Impossible Whopper when

I LOVE gate checking my luggage - what’s bad about it? The only negative is that I have to bring the bag through security, but I happily volunteer to save $25 - $35 per bag, and I don’t have to drag them around between connections.