Dude has donkey brains, a la Frank Reynolds
Dude has donkey brains, a la Frank Reynolds
Grandpa Bielema remembers a time when Arkansas football was decent
+1 Ron Swanson
+1 Magic Johnson Tweet
The Bielamonster will feast tonight
+1 national conversation
“Suck a fart out my ass” is perhaps one of the funnier things I’ve heard in recent memory.
All I heard during this was that “wah wah” sound the adults in Charlie Brown movies make.
I would like to contribute my team name idea:
5) His cell phone formerly belonged to Donald Trump and has been controlling him. Unfortunately, the only way to destroy the phone is with a basilisk fang.
Was Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s mustache an elite mustache?
I wasn’t aware it was Mac Day.
“Sir, I believe this jersey to be too tight on your person. Please, visit Reds Team Shop after the game.”
This decision makes as much sense as me being able to afford decent toilet paper but deciding to buy single-ply instead.
Please, sir. No.
“the presence of animal feces” and “distinct and pervasive odors throughout” would make great band names.
Dick move.