Bret Bielema's Favorite Sweatpants


“Donnybrook” and “big fleshpile” used in the same clip. Wonderful.

My advice to all college graduates is never return to single-ply toilet paper. Sure, it might be cheap and what was in your dorm/apartment, but eventually the cheap price is not worth the internal/external bleeding.

As I read this, the Indiana Jones theme started playing in my head. This kid is awesome.

“And a DISGUSTING act by Randy Moss”

Probably obstructing the pursuit of hot takes.

From the brink of extinction!

Considering it took that long for anyone to recognize what he had done, his smile shows he takes pride in the little things.

“I was so glad they finally let me out of lab to play sport”

“Most of our athletes do communications.”

You basically wear it as a pair of boxer briefs.

Finally, I can start wearing my “Bro Ryan” t-shirt with pride.

I can’t YouTube “Spurs Defensive Highlights” fast enough after watching this.

Ask Hairclub for Men to drop Coach K.

“Own the future” is the Bucks motto right now. It should be “Own Several Promising Young Players, Then Watch Them Go Elsewhere When Their Rookie Deals Run Out”

When the Packers lost to John Elway in the Super Bowl. I was in 2nd grade.