
Mumford & Sons’ banjoist Winston Marshall

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you

Well, if the recent fiasco in Texas has taught us anything, it’s that decoupling utilities from government oversight and regulation is super smart and never, ever backfires spectacularly. 

I’m glad you updated. Chun Li is from Tekken 3 for those wondering.

can Cruz be next?

Straight up violation of interstate commerce.

Howdy fellow Texans?

While, true, it kind of puts Tesla out the front door, now doesn’t it?  It’d be a shame if the investments that Texas worked so hard to get Tesla to make were suddenly no longer there.

All hat no cattle that one. 

I can’t wait until my state starts requiring businesses to do business with tobacco companies because, I dunno, history or tradition or some shit like that.

So let me get this straight. Texas republicans want to penalize private businesses that choose not to invest private money in private industries that they feel in the long run are not beneficial to the long term profitability of themselves and in many cases of their shareholders.   

I bought the complete collection on DVD a few years back - it was under 40 bucks, and now? Over 200!

Moreso, we’ve seen the actual choices King has made when adapting his own writing. It’s universally shit. He’s a hack with a good knack for making up plotlines. That is the extent I’m willing to give him credit as a creator. (LOL @ the idea of Stephen fucking King as some sort of expert at characterization.)

This isn’t new to those of us who were honored to be the film strip projector operators in elementary/middle school in the 80's.

Cannot lie; when I saw this headline my instinctive thought was “Last word? Surely Shelley Long appeared on Modern Family not that long ago ohhhhhhhh right.”

It really does work better as a comment-and-response by two separate people.

It is what he's used to.

Not very good ones. He should stick to rivers and lakes.

I worked with Shelley Duvall in the 90s. She was a true delight: eccentric, sure, but really sweetly so, and definitely intelligent and compos mentis. She was a lot like her character in 3 Women, but smarter and not self-centered or deluded. And she talked a lot about The Shining, and wasn’t as kind about Kubrick as

Shelly Duvall gave us Faerie Tale Theatre.