
It would be great if people stopped giving the narcissistic Conways (meaning Kelleyanne AND George) the attention they crave. Stop having KAC on tv shows, stop retweeting GC on twitter. Just stop. Let it be known that we still give a shit about kids in this country and won’t abide child abusers or their enablers.

I keep thinking of this, and the only plausible explanations are:

The problem was that the CueCat URL wasn’t the destination URL. CueCat sent you to THEIR servers, where they collected your browser info + a unique code the CueCat appended, then it sent you on to your destination. The goal was to collect your personal browsing history which they could analyze and sell, very much like

CueCat wasn’t quite as innocuous as portrayed. It didn’t just open a url, it sent you to CueCat’s Servers, which captured your browser’s info for CueCat along with a unique ID, THEN it transferred you to the destination URL. Their business plan was to keep a history of each user and sell it to advertisers.

I own a CueCat. I picked one up at my local Radioshack circa 2005 and used it to create an MP3 player that didnt rely on display....

There were two modes: append or replace. That was the only diplay on the oak case I created for it. You scanned a UPC on the shelf of CDs i had and it played it; front to back. In append

St. Elon seems to think that revealing this story, as Tesla stock gets yet another artificial price bump thanks to its inclusion in the S&P index and the resulting insta-demand to buy it for index funds, somehow reveals that Apple missed its chance to snap up the company.

(I had played the TTRPG, it was... an 80s TTRPG)

I was never that interested in Cyberpunk 2077 based on the trailers and the marketing (I had played the TTRPG, it was... an 80s TTRPG), but I have to say the shitshow that has been “the release of this game” has been truly amazing.

“How you, ah, feeling, Tom?”

No. The rule I’ve had since circa 2008 is: Do not fuck the GOP. Oh, you like my dick? Well, bigots and idiots can’t have it. Seriously, I did end a years’-long hookup thing with someone over their McCain/Palin vote, and I haven’t gone back since. Shun them in every way possible!

We can control which is the headline Google sees and which is the headline we have one the page. In an instance like this where we had two EXCELLENT headlines I put titty on the page and had Google see the one that mentions Apple.

I may be showing my lack of web code knowledge here, but I’m always confused why on my browser tab it says “Dear Apple, Why Boob Case?” and on the actual headline it says “I thought it was an ugly titty purse.”

Ue words that actually fit, and aren’t ableist slurs that make you sound like a grade schooler calling something r***rded. They're gullible, stupid, morally-bankrupt, confused, easily-fooled, ignorant, dangerous, embarrassing, etc etc etc .

I want them to eat several bags of dicks with a healthy side order of Deez Nuts and wash it down with a new drink called Go Fuck Yo Momma.

I am sorry but weren’t these the same fuckers that said, with glee in 2016, Fuck your feelings? I mean I am from NYC so they said that to the wrong brother. Fuck them all. I want them to eat several bags of dicks with a healthy side order of Deez Nuts and wash it down with a new drink called Go Fuck Yo Momma. Okay.

What I really want in a nav app is “Don’t give me instructions for the first 5 miles.” I know my damn neighborhood, Siri. Shut it.

Sorry, slashed his portrait, I should have said.

A Trump-supporting teenage kid with a rifle crossed state lines and murdered innocents who were protesting extrajudicial killing of black Americans.

Looks like Mitch “Dorian Gray” McConnell smashed his mirror.

It dawns on me that Amazon Prime Day is the equivalent of rummaging through the clearance bin at a Dollar General or Marshalls.”