
That Sharaz Jek is the one saying THAT just makes it even funnier.

So, “pivot to Reels” is what they’re saying.

WJW was the one who wrote the Hardwired sourcebook from top to bottom. Remember, he was part of GRRM’s Superworld campaign that begat Wild Cards.

I’d include the bunker shelter from Heinlein’s Farnham’s Freehold, because then you’re in Farnham’s Freehold.

He seems nice.

“On Monday, his legal team filed a letter with the SEC claiming that Twitter was in breach of their contract by not providing all the requested data.”

If there was EVER a “because it’s there” moment, this is it.

Him and Sting were a FANTASTIC pair for a band. Never a dull moment!

Holy crap, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it, but when you point it out that piece has Copeland ALL THE HELL over it. It’s like Klark Kent did a children’s record.

It derives from the idea that you’re not watching the work itself, you’re watching the work PLUS its commentary, so it’s a contextual level removed from the original. Hence, “meta”.

Meh, cheaper than iPod Socks.

I’m not gonna say “he’s lying”, but in his cartoon of all this he’s labeled his statement with “LIES”.

Yep - defendants are expressly prohibited from recovery of legal fees, no matter how much in bad faith the initial suit is.

I’ve reupped my AMC Stubs membership (the perks version, not the bunches of movies version) because I intend to go back to theaters at some point.

Somewhat late, but check out Astropad’s Luna Display. I’ve used it wirelessly with iPads, and it ranges from “smooth as butter” to “you sure can tell that this iPad is almost ten years old.” I haven’t yet TRIED the mac-to-mac mode with one of my C2D iMacs, but I’m hopeful?

Came here for the first gen xB, wasn’t disappointed.

The only way I could get more interested in this is if Bradley Denton contributed to the soundtrack.

Oh, hey, they’re Taking This Very Seriously!