
Late to the game, but as someone with a BIG-ASS CO2 canister in the living room and a whole bunch of carbonator caps, that's really goddamned awesome.

Mebberson ROCKS. If you can find archives of the webcomic "As If!" that she collaborated on, I highly recommend it.

Shit. I mean, "Fucking agreed."


I did have the same reaction to that gag - clever, but oooh, bad.

As I noted on the Youtube page : "I still think it's crap, but GARRISON DEAN FUCK YEAH."

I'm perfectly willing to defend the misogynistic/racist/homophobic/bigoted speech - but I also want to hear no whining from those speakers when they're called on the content of what they said. Cuts both ways - you can say what you want, but you better be prepared for responses from the rest of the world. You can say

I always remember seeing listings for it in ads in Animag, but never got to see it.

..."Punch, kick - it's all in the mind"?...

As an anime fan, the spouse and I felt that this is how Princess Nine OUGHT to have ended.

I remember reading about him in Mondo2000. Ah, the good old days.

Gorgeous, gorgeous movie. Highly recommended.

There is something mind-bogglingly delightful about that line being typed by someone with that user icon.

That sums the industry PERFECTLY.

Honestly, even a cheap point-and-shoot from the last few years will get you most of the way there. Cheap is a relative term, granted - but a sub-$100 Polaroid from the local big box store from two years ago more-or-less did the trick for me.

I was about to make a joke that Agent 13 ought to be based on the old TSR Top Secret S.I. setting. ([]:_The_Midnight_Avenger) Then I find out that it might be.

"My issue with that line of thinking is that it excludes the fact that, usually, pregnancy is the consequence of the choice to have sex."

It's SERIOUSLY abandoned - which is a shame, because it's a pretty good idea, and pretty nicely built.

Yeah, he seemed to be on a "treadmill" at several points.

I would so totally pay SO MUCH to see that.