I was going to say "current-wave CLAMP", but yeah.
I was going to say "current-wave CLAMP", but yeah.
Which was better than the Williams Arcade Collection!
Especially not since part of the MBP for me is that I can get a LARGE capacity boot drive instead of the (comparatively) cramped SSDs.
I do DJ work, and while I LOVE the feel of the 13" I use now, having a 17" to work on away from home would be much more pleasant.
Screen resolution, graphics, and going from a quad-core to dual-core processor.
The Spouse tends to adapt whatever game world she's running to GURPS. Custom fantasy world? GURPS. Ghostbusters? GURPS. Bureau 13/Fringeworthy? GURPS. Talislanta? GURPS.
One that hit me through my ROD OMGWTFYAY haze is that the newest thing in this lineup appears to be Darker than Black, and that's 2007. (I suppose Slayers REVOLUTION is 2008, but the entire run just kind of smears through in my head as one glop from the mid-'90s to now.) Sticking with older tried'n'true series rather…
Lehrer's birthday today, too. Nice timing.
Okay, I'm going to quibble on one thing : that Bumblebee costume moves out of "cosplay" and into "prop building".
From the trailer, it feels rather like a Jeunet & Caro film.
There was the time someone proposed doming the city (a la Logan's Run and others), which largely became "well, it's a good way to keep them inside!"
I thought that was some other covered stadium.
(A) It's a big white elephant, but MAN I wish we could do something with this. As a native, seeing the Dome lay dormant and dying is just a shame.
Technically, that's not quite true - Gary Hoover started Bookstop to be a full-service bookstore that would offer discounts. This was different from the Waldenbooks and B. Dalton's of the time where everything was MSRP (or higher) and you had a fairly limited selection. Initially, the discount plan was just that…
While I agree with you, let's just note - "Today just jumped the shark" includes them STARTING WITH A FUCKING CHIMP COANCHOR. When you've sunk beneath the lofty gravitas of J. Fred Muggs, YOU'RE BONED.
Not my favorite, but then again it's one of the less memorable songs on the album, IMHO.
Someone else already mentioned Galacta (Galactus's daughter), but I have to give her another shout-out. That was a delightful little read that was far more fun than it had any right to be.
As Loki says having brought Slepnir back, "WE WILL SPEAK NO MORE OF THIS, GOT IT?"
I've used an atlatl once. ONCE. Note that I did not say anything about using it well. I think I'm just lucky that I didn't spike a short spear into my foot.