What's the dill, pickle?

Pete actually kept Smart Hulk around for a long time. He just kept changing the character in terms of his emotional life. There was plenty of conflict without Hulk going on rampages.

He’s both supremely chill and supremely not chill at the same time. When the kids don’t want a selfie with Ant-Man at the diner, I thought he was going to lose his shit.

Here’s the thing: while Natasha does, you know, the actual work of keeping the lights on and monitoring what’s going wrong in the world, the five boys of the original six are all in their individual stages of grief.

Counter-counter argument: The Hulk in the movies was never the comics Hulk until Ragnarok. Up until that point, he was a version of the TV Hulk played by Lou Ferrigno. Rage and anger with a few fleeting hints of empathy and understanding.

This generally means children under the age of seven, or adult men with long-standing authority issues.

They needed his brains and brawn in Endgame. Had he been regular Bruce, he would have died snapping his fingers. Had he been regular Hulk, he could have potentially messed up the snap that brought people back.

Right. Do we think original Bruce would ever stop a science conversation in the middle to dab and photo op with some kids?

This reflects my feelings on the subject. For fans of the Hulk, the Banner-Hulk is the best case ending and Endgame was about closure for these characters.

The inclusion of Professor Hulk in Endgame was a delightful surprise for this long-time comic reader.

Every one of the original Avengers gets some level of closure. This is Banner’s closure. He not only gets to be at peace, but his brain is more required of in the story than his brawn. And you could make some argument that such was the case in the first 2 Avenger’s movies- but if you think about it that’s not so. They

Could make for an interesting Hulk spinoff. They’re doing a Black Widow past story. Why not Hulk?

Could just be that people wearing glasses come across as less intimidating and Bruce would strive for that.

And maybe, just maybe if they’d remembered the core heroism of Bruce Banner that brought the Hulk into existence in the first place

I didn’t feel cheated on missing out the development of Professor Hulk (but as a Hulk fan, I would love to see that but I’m in the minority, I know).

I forget what Banner says now, but it sure didn’t indicate that he was putting Hulk’s brain to sleep. It essentially was something like he had to learn to merge the two because he used to think as Hulk as the problem and he learned to embrace him. I think the way Banner acts supports that. Bruce Banner would never

I’d disagree. The Banner we see prior to Endgame is always twitchy, haunted, looks like he’s walking on eggshells. He’s got very little confidence in anything but science. The Professor we see in Endgame is open, friendly, affable - he’s got the aspects of Hulk’s personality that we saw more in Ragnarok than anywhere

Well, some writers and posters still don’t understand Widow considers herself a monster because of all the spying and murdering in her life, NOT because the Widow program took away her ability for child birth.

Being upset he didn’t fight anyone as Professor Hulk kinda glosses over the whole point of why Banner/Hulk is such a huge evolution for the character.

Oh, FFS.

It’s unfortunate, because I love almost everything else about this game, but Deacon as a character (and any time he talks) is like nails on a chalkboard to me most of the time. Sam Witwer does a great job, but I feel like the direction or script he was given was just awful. I’m almost 40 hours into the game and Deacon